The Moon Energy Forecast for the week of November 12th- 18th

Moon Blessings!


Each moon cycle holds a special energy imprint for us to use if we are aware of it. The new moon cycle began in Scorpio on 11/7.


This week the waxing moon starts out in Capricorn.


This energy imprint has you feeling like taking action to create more structure in your life. To logically see what’s missing + how to find the pieces that will complete whatever you’re currently focused on. If you have been feeling like something is missing, now’s the time to take action on any intuitive hits you get, or opportunities for collaboration. Stay open to new OPPORTUNITIES coming in from unexpected sources. Build a crystal grid to amplify the energy of your intentions.


the moon sisterhood


Tuesday, the moon goes into Aquarius. The call to create community to share with is becoming extremely strong. Look outside your normal circle to discover interesting people who share your new found passions. Connect with those that feel interesting, or especially attractive energetically. Sometimes even just a two minute exchange can shift something within us. STAY OPEN!


  • If you’re an empath that needs a little bit of help uncovering their brilliance this moon cycle, I created this just for you: a free sample of my moon planner!


the moon sisterhood



Thursday the waxing moon goes into Pisces for a few days. Your intuition is so strong, but you may feel like you are overwhelmed by all the information coming in from your guides {or even just from the world around you}. Make it a point to check in with yourself often this week to make sure you are staying aligned with the intentions you set at new moon. Make to do lists so that you are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.


Sunday, the moon goes into Aries, bringing us a breath of fresh air. You may feel a sudden urge to get up from whatever you’re doing + take action. That’s why you need to pay attention during the early part of this week… so that you’re ready for it. Stay open to new ways of doing things. Next week this Aries energy imprint will allow you to break though some of the energy blocks that you’re noticing this weekend, so use this time to set yourself up for success.


Use your Moon Sisterhood Planner to plan your week accordingly. Allow yourself some extra time to navigate these energy imprints + easily stay aligned with your intentions!


Wanna know more about how to harness this moon cycle’s energy imprint?


Find out how the current moon cycle’s energetic imprint affects you personally HERE.





Validate your intuition with this gentle, yet wise, guidance. You’ll have clear intentions + know when to take inspired action throughout each moon cycle.


Honoring this process allows us to harness this powerful energy + stay in flow + connected to the wise woman within us.


SIGN UP for a subscription here!


Have a beautiful week! I’d love to hear how this cycle’s energetic imprint affects you! Join us in our facebook group to connect!


anne siggy new



Are you an Empath? IT’S THE PERFECT TIME TO SET YOUR INTENTIONS + PLAN INSPIRED ACTION STEPS! Prepare to manifest what you truly desire!

Join us in the temple!


the moon sisterhood temple



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