The Moon Sisterhood's Printable Planner Sample

Moon blessings!


I have been getting so much pressure from my guides to share this resource with you, because we’re here to help shift this planet into the next wave of awareness. All of us… each in our own little special perfect way…

  • As empaths, we need to learn how to use our energy efficiently. Especially those of us that are wanting to do big things like hold space for other people in healing as practitioners. By using our energy efficiently we’re more grounded, allowing us to set intentions we love + really focus on them. We are then able to discern what action is best to take in every moment to stay aligned with those intentions, so that we’re consciously putting our energy into what we want to manifest.


  • Empaths have a special connection with the moon because it rules our emotions.


  • Aligning with lunar energy {aka: going with the flow} instead of working against it {aka: trying to swim upstream against a mighty current} allows you to use your energy wisely. AKA: knowing when it’s time to rest + then when when it’s time to kick ass + take inspired action.


  • I created this planner to help empaths learn how to use nature’s rhythms in harmony with their own rhythms to plan the most efficient way to use their energy. That way they can focus their BIG HUGE AMAZING energy on their intentions {instead of wasting it spinning their wheels, taking action at the wrong times, or using their energy ineffectively by not knowing what they really want!} thus being able to manifest what they desire more quickly than ever before.


  • Ready to live more intentionally?


Let’s use these next few months to get really clear about what we want in 2019!


I’ve been publishing my moon reports + my weekly moon energy forecasts + my moon based planner for the past few years to help guide empaths into alignment with the moon!


I created a free sample of The Moon Sisterhood’s planner with pages for November + December of 2018 to help you get started now + learn how to use it, so in January you can be ready to take inspired action to manifest a powerful 2019!


IMG_0049I’d love to share this planner preview with you! I also have a FREE year end ritual coming soon that you’ll get a VIP invite to! let me know where you’d like me to send it:

anne siggy new

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