Spirit Cats Card Reading vol 105

for the week of 3/5-3/11


This week’s Spirit Cat oracle card:


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“Meet Chanti. She once kept her ideas and feelings locked away in her heart where no one can see or hear them. It felt safe and secure but alas, she felt so alone. No one truly knew her. She was longing to come out to play. Gathering her courage, she flung open the window in her mind and unlatched the doorway in her soul. She started to speak her mind and give voice to her heart. She could never again fit in that small, closed space of hiding. Soon, her words grew into unabashed singing. What song are you keeping captive? What song, at long last, can you unleash into the world?”




What a perfect waxing moon card! Be present. Honor the wise woman within! How are you feeling?
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You can check out the current week’s card reading on Instagram


>>> get this beautiful deck from Ghost Kitten Art


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