Spirit Cats Card Reading vol 107

for the week of 3/19-3/25


This week’s Spirit Cat oracle card:


spirit cat deckspirit cat deck







“Meet Alice. She is small but brave as she jumps head first down the rabbit hole. Although the unknown may seem scary and wrought with danger, we should always hold faith in the beautiful possibilities and discoveries awaiting us. True courage is listening to our intuition and moving in the direction of our heart’s deepest yearning, even when we are afraid and want to turn back to our comfortable, familiar world. Trust yourself enough to take that leap and always remember, no matter where you land, the ride will be strange, magnificent, and worth it. ”




What a perfect card! Be present. Honor the wise woman within! How are you feeling?
Join us in the Moon Sisterhood’s facebook group + share with a group of wise women from around the world!


You can check out the current week’s card reading on Instagram


>>> get this beautiful deck from Ghost Kitten Art


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