The UNhustle: Moon Energy Forecast for the week of December 17th - 23rd

Blessed NEW moon!


Each moon cycle holds a special energy imprint for us to use if we are aware of it. This current moon cycle began in Scorpio on 11/18 + ends tonight or early Monday morning, depending where you are in the world..


This week, the moon starts out in Sagittarius!

It’s gonna feel pretty dreamy in these last little bits of this moon cycle. Allow yourself some alone time to go within + feel things out before you take any action. Keep an eye out for that fun easy path, it’s there, I promise.


the moon sisterhood


Late Sunday night/early Monday morning, the new moon cycle begins in Sagittarius. If you have a lot on your plate, you may feel a little overwhelmed + in need of a change of pace… Switch up your routine! Move your body! Dance party, go for a walk, do something that gets you out of your head + into your body! It’ll ground you + have you feeling more freedom very quickly. It may help you find your next steps if you are feeling stuck in any way. Sit down + get all your ideas + intentions for this new moon cycle out onto paper. Use pretty list making paper like my sacred geometry printable lists to amplify your intentions.


Need help setting intentions for this new moon cycle? Download my free New Moon Ritual workbook to help you gain even more clarity about what you REALLY desire.




Monday the moon slides into Capricorn. This energy imprint has you feeling like taking action to create more structure in your life. To logically see what’s missing + how to find the pieces that will complete whatever you’re currently focused on. If you have been feeling like something is missing, now’s the time to take action on any intuitive hits you get, or opportunities for collaboration. Stay open to new OPPORTUNITIES coming in from unexpected sources. Build a crystal grid to amplify the energy of your intentions.


Wednesday the moon goes into Aquarius. It’s time to let go of the old stories you’ve been letting run your life. You know, those ones you tell yourself to stay small? To make sure no-one notices your bright shiny self? To make sure you stay safe in your cozy little cocoon?


We all have them! Mine are usually all about feeling overwhelmed. I also have been known to play with the popular energy crushing mantra: “No one likes me” which I know is probably the worst thing we can do to ourselves.


This is keeping you from sharing your brilliance with a world that desperately needs you. That isn’t cool! Nor is it serving you, or helping you to manifest what you want. Keeping yourself in a low vibration just attracts more of the same low vibe people, places + things.


I will be doing a burning ritual on Thursday for The Solstice to let go of anything that’s no longer serving me. Would you like to join me?


Grab my FREE Winter Solstice Ritual Guide!


winter solstice 2017 cover


Wanna know more?


Find out how the new Sagittarius Moon Cycle’s energetic imprint affects you personally HERE.



Validate your intuition with this gentle, yet wise, guidance. You’ll have clear intentions + know when to take inspired action throughout each moon cycle.


Honoring this process allows us to harness this powerful energy + stay in flow + connected to the wise woman within us.


SIGN UP for a subscription for just $10!


Have a beautiful week! I’d love to hear how this cycle’s energetic imprint affects you! Join us in our facebook group to connect with wise women from around the world!


anne siggy new



SOLSTICE! The perfect time to pause + exhale. Prepare to manifest what you truly desire in 2018!

Get The FREE Winter Solstice Guide! There’s a year end ritual + a year ahead spread to help you navigate the energies of 2018!




get the FREE Winter Solstice Guide

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