Weekly Energy Forecast vol 3

the week of March 25th-31st

Waning moon blessings!


This week the waning moon starts out in Sagittarius. As an empath, this waning moon time is so important! Harnessing it can be very empowering.

Can you stop + remember your inner child + their needs? Take some time to do this to get more in touch with your true desires. You may find some answers to help you with your current struggles in life.




This Pisces moon cycle has a very intuitive + internal energy imprint. You may find yourself discovering new hidden corners of your soul that are longing to be brought to the light. To be loved up. To be celebrated. Learn more in the Pisces Moon report HERE.


Wednesday, the waning half moon is in Capricorn. This is a time of inner wisdom.


Check in with yourself to make sure that you’re doing all the things you intended this moon cycle.
Go back to your intentions that you set at new moon + see what still feels exciting.


Pick one of the things on the list. Ask yourself, is this really important to me? If the answer is yes:
Work on it, birth it, bring into physical reality by writing about it… just take some kind of action.


If nothing sounds exciting right now, take some time to go within + journal. Use this opportunity to dig deeper.
Ask yourself this: what sounds fun? What would the most perfect day look like?


Settle down somewhere quiet with your journal + just free write. Allow the words to flow out of you.
I find that I get my best answers in this space.


the empath detox logo

If you’re still feeling stuck, you might wanna check out The Empath Detox, my new group program for emapths!
We begin on the new moon in Aries on 4/4.


Friday, when the moon flows in to Aquarius for the weekend, you may find yourself at a place where you have to consider your next steps in a big way. Check in + make sure things feel exciting, even if it’s a little scary. Remember, nothing lasts forever, even an anxiety attack… {even though it seems to sometimes, doesn’t it?}.


Anything that is coming up that feels disappointing, take a look at your level of expectation. How can you make this situation work for you?


The upcoming Aries new moon cycle is going to be a time of action, so be ready.


Use this waning moon time to rest up + get crystal clear about your intentions.




  • rest when you feel tired
  • tie up loose ends + finish projects
  • take action on anything that feels exciting
  • allow yourself to dream BIG
  • eat nourishing foods, drink warm tea
  • take time to check in with your loved ones. grab all the hugs



see you on instagram @themoontempleoracle where I’ll be sharing my daily rituals in my story…


anne siggy new

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