Weekly Energy Forecast vol 4

week of April 1st-6th

Waning moon blessings!


This week the waning moon starts out in Aquarius + quickly shifts into Pisces on Monday morning. Acknowledging your recent shifts + intentionally thanking yourself for showing up can be a powerful way to harness this waning moon vibe.

You may feel very intuitive + dreamy… how can you use this energy to your advantage + not get lost in lala land?


morning ritual


This upcoming Aries moon cycle has a very fast paced + outgoing energy imprint. You may find yourself ready to take action, to move forward in a big way this cycle… but beware of this cycle’s shadow energy, that way you can navigate this powerful energy flow + stay in alignment. Learn more in the Aries Moon report HERE.


This week, as the moon wanes on towards the new moon in Aries on Friday, take time to go within.


Spend some time in meditation.


Amp up your morning ritual with more intuitive writing. This Pisces moon cycle has been a time of inner wisdom. Now it’s time to get it all out.


Settle down somewhere quiet with your journal + just free write. Allow the words to flow out of you.
I find that I get my best answers in this space.


the empath detox logo
If you’re still feeling stuck, you might wanna check out The Empath Detox, my new group program for emapths!
We begin on 4/4.


This weekend, the waxing moon is in Taurus, bringing a very grounded + earthy feel to things. Notice how your physical body FEELS. What is it craving?


Honor your desires this weekend. Spoil yourself with love, attention, affection, pleasure, joy, excitement…


The upcoming Aries new moon cycle is going to be a time of action, so be ready.


Use this week to rest up + get crystal clear about your intentions. To amplify your energy doing things that make you FEEL GOOD.




  • rest when you feel tired
  • wrap up anything that is ending
  • allow yourself space to dream big
  • plan a massage or other way to nourish your physical body
  • make time for meditation
  • be open to new things



see you on instagram @themoontempleoracle where I’ll be sharing my daily rituals in my story…


anne siggy new

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