Standing here

with my eyes on the door

as I shift my gaze slightly

i become aware of my surroundings

i am conscious



there is nothing to fear

as the universe fully supports me

No reason to withhold

no excuse to disengage

staying fully present

I engage my core

i steel myself for the impact

of the colliding of my selves



sometimes when I get stressed I forget how to manage my OCD + ADHD

i forget that I need to slow the fuck down…

not keep working at a feverish pace

set some shit down

cuz I’m always trying to do too much


i want to do everything

i want to continue to look back

and say fuck yah I lived this life

i never wasted time

i took advantage of every chance life gave me

to learn

to grow

to love

to laugh

to be in joy

to manifest the best life I could imagine



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